SORE Bikes workshop with a bike frame and parts
@sorebikes on instagram
Fixed gear rider with only one hand on the handlebar
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Multiple fixed gear bikes standing around a big sign with 666 written on it
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Photo of the Red Hook Crit race in Milano
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Sour Bicycles

Purple Haze, Clueless, Crumble, Bad Granny & Pickup! If you’re a fan of Sour Bicycles we got some sweet news for you. We’re one of the few shops to now offer you their full range of bikes, frames and parts.

Posted on November 15th, 2019

OMNIUM Mini- Max

We also carry Omnium Cargo Bikes in our shop.

Posted on September 17th, 2019

Domino Rush Alleycat 3#

Das Domino Rush Alleycat geht in die dritte Runde.
Du bist eingefleischter Messenger, frisierter Fakenger, Profisportler oder einfach nur Fahrradfahrer.
KölnerIn oder out of towner.
SORE Bikes und das Bike Syndikat haben wieder an alle gedacht, denn hier hat jeder die Chance mit ein bisschen Glück und Geschick abzuräumen.

Posted on July 10th, 2019

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